dangerous pollutants not just outdoors

It\'s tempting to see your home as a sanctuary from the threat of lurking at your doorstep.
To a large extent, it is.
But if you think that you and your family are protected from the risk of air pollutants when you are inside, you may have to reconsider.
According to Canadian Mortgage and Housing companies, indoor air is sometimes more harmful to health than outdoor air.
Access to healthy indoor air is a complex issue, especially given the widespread use of synthetic materials and chemicals in home building, decoration and household cleaning products.
Fortunately, CMHC has useful information about indoor air quality and how to evaluate and correct air problems at home, which you can get by going to cmhc.
Ca/en, click on the Browse by theme menu and select indoor air quality \".
\"A small step you can take is a regular vacuum, and it is better to use a vacuum with an efficient air filter to reduce biological contaminants in the air, such as mites, pollen and pet dandruff. (
High-efficiency air filters (HEPA) represent high-efficiency air filters that remove 99 contaminants.
Percentage of pollutants in air. )
If you are buying a vacuum cleaner, there are a few new HEPA vacuum cleaners on the market that deserve a look.
In addition to the HEPA filter, the Bosch Formula Duo Plus has a power of 1,400 watts, which means it\'s really bad. This canister-
Style machine with removable 11-
Suitable for carpet and inch carpet brush with bare surface.
The other three nozzles for furniture, interior decoration and gaps are comfortably installed in the compartment at the top of the machine, so they are always convenient.
The telescopic hose hooks the hand into the slot at the bottom of the machine for easy storage.
Because this stylish little machine weighs less than 12 pounds, it is not a difficult task to take it out in a quick spin in the living room.
The Bosch formula uses the bag and when the bag needs to be replaced, there is a smart little indicator light that will light up.
The price is about $600.
Travel to Bosch and retail locationsappliances. ca.
Hoover recently entered the market with a wind tunnel, an upright device without bags, with a washable lifetime high efficiency air filter.
It also has what its manufacturers call cyclone technology, and it should lift and catch dirt instead of letting it fall back to the surface that is being cleaned. The multi-
The surface brush works on the surface of the hard and carpet and has 28-
Telescopic rope for feet.
It also comes with a pet hair kit, a dust/Trim brush, a gap accessory and two extended wands.
The wind tunnel costs about $250.
If you want a list of dealers, go to Hoover. ca.
A vacuum cleaner without a HEPA filter can also play a role in household cleaning.
Those who like a neat floor but find this errand dim-well-dirt clean, should consider investing in a robotic vacuum such as the Roomba 560, to be taken-
Looks like an inch cordless vacuum of a steroid platter.
It can be programmed to clean hard carpets every day and run for about three hours before returning to the charging base.
Roomba navigate around the furniture, automatically adjusting to a hard or soft surface.
When the machine is close to the wall or other objects, the bumper system slows down the machine, and two \"lighthouses\" can be placed around delicate objects to ensure that Roomba does not plow into your priceless Ming vase.
There is another\"
This means that the machine does not chew on the edge of the carpet or other ropes.
One of the advantages of this machine is that it can easily become difficult. to-
Reach the area, such as space under a sofa or chair.
You never have to worry about losing the instructions for Roomba 560-it has a built-in
Features and functions are described in the voice tutorial.
The Roomba 560 is priced at about $350 and is available in some Costco locations and bed baths and elsewhere.
For more information, visit irobot. com.
There are two novices in the Devil-
Vacuum cleaner for quick cleaning-ups.
Both Kurv and Kone have a bag-free dirt cup and a soft tip that is easy on a delicate surface.
While the nozzle may be too small for any major cleanup, it works very well on tight corners and straight edge such as door thresholds. (
Brushing the door threshold quickly every day will help keep the outdoor dirt where it belongs. )
Designed by Karim Rashid, they are also very nice looking and guests may mistake them for sculpture.
Both Kone and Kurv have different colors.
Starting at about $60.
For more information, dirtdevil. com.


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